Heck of a Day!

My and Clemmie's area (southwestern Pennsylvania) has been receiving a lot of rain recently.  Not too surprising since it's spring, yet the storms are more powerful than most of us remember.  In fact, our area has been hit by tremendously high winds; there was a tornado that made national news (and You Tube) about twenty miles from our house.

Today, there was a hail storm that came out of nowhere.

Until that point, the weather was warm, "muggy" (humid), and fairly nice. CM3 and I decided to go ahead: splurge on the tumbling compost barrel we found a couple weeks ago at Tractor Supply Company after we discovered the one we wanted from Sam's Club for $65 is sold out across our region.  We browsed the store a bit before making our purchase.  The last of the bigger bins--that holds 12 cubic feet of compost-- was on sale from $160 to $130; Clemmie talked me into the bigger one since it was only $10 and the last on clearance.

I had an inkling it wouldn't fit into my mom's 2000 Hyundai Elantra due to the barrel's size.  Clemmie and a clerk from TSC tried to make it fit through both the front and back doors of the cars.  Once the decision was made to tie the barrel to the boot of the car, it began to rain hard.  The dime- to nickel-sized hale pelted down from the sky seconds later.  I retreated into the car while the boys deliberated on how to tie up the bin.  We were on our way home within 5 minutes.

$138 and a hale storm later, we made it home.  Clemmie and I both agreed that the easiest place to locate the compost bin is next to the garbage cans.  Years ago, my grandfather made a brick patio to keep them on.  It wasn't quite big enough, so Clemmie grabbed some extra pavers and extended it.  It's a little wobbly for the moment but should be nice and steady one we begin to fill it up.  I'm positively excited!

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